We want you to feel comfortable onour website and not have to worry about the security of your data. That is whydata protection is an important part of our corporate philosophy.
In this Privacy Policy, you will findall the information about which Personal Information we collect and process andfor what purpose. Equally, we will also inform you of your data protectionrights and how you can assert them.
General Principles
Personal Information is "anyinformation relating to an identified or identifiable natural person".This includes, for example, name or address data, telephone number, mobilenumber, or online identifiers such as your device id and your IP address.
"Processing" means anyoperation or set of operations which is performed upon Personal Information,whether or not by automatic means. The term is broad and covers virtually anyhandling of data.
The responsible party for dataprocessing is Exterior Cleaning Services LLC, (“Exterior Cleaning Services LLC”, “we”, “us”, or “our”). Ifyou have any questions or if you wish to exercise your rights, you call us on(240) 861-5555 or use our Contact Form.
We have to have at least one of thefollowing legal bases to process your Personal Information: a) you have givenyour consent, b) the data is necessary for the fulfillment of a contract /pre-contractual measures, c) the data is necessary for the fulfillment of alegal obligation, or d) the data is necessary to protect our legitimateinterests, provided that your interests are not overridden.
We process and store your PersonalInformation only for the period of time required to achieve the respectiveprocessing purpose or for as long as a legal retention period exists. Once thepurpose has been achieved or the retention period has expired, thecorresponding data is routinely deleted.
What Personal Information do we process?
When you access our website, someaccess data is recorded automatically and stored in a log file on our website'sserver. This means if you browse and simply have a look at our website, weprocess a) the IP address of your computer, b) the date and time of youraccess, c) the name and URL of the accessed file, d) the browser used, e) theamount of bytes transferred, f) the status of the page request, g) the sessionID and g) the referrer URL. The legal basis for processing is our legitimateinterest.
We use the hosting services of GoDaddy.com,LLC, for the purpose of hosting and displaying our website. GoDaddydoes so on the basis of processing on our behalf, and that also means that alldata collected on our website and shop is processed on GoDaddy's servers.Thebasis for processing is our legitimate interest, and the initiation and/orfulfillment of a contract.
We use the Content Management System (CMS) of WordPressby Automattic Inc to publish and maintain the created and edited content and textson our website. This means that all content and texts submitted to us istransferred to WordPress. This represents a legitimate interest.
We useso-called cookies on our website. Cookies are pieces of information that aretransmitted from our web server or third-party web servers to your web browserand stored there for later retrieval. Cookies may be small files or other typesof information storage. There are different types of cookies:
Our website uses a cookie consent tool to obtain yourconsent to the storage of cookies and to document this consent. When you enterour website, the following Personal Information is transferred to us: a) Yourconsent(s) or revocation of your consent(s); b) Your IP address; c) Informationabout your browser; d) Information about your device; d) Time of your visit toour website. The basis for processing is our legitimate interest and yourconsent.
Our website uses Google Maps API of the provider Google to visually display geographical information. When using Google Maps, Googlealso collects, processes and uses data about visitors' use of the map functionsincluding their IP address. You can find more information about data processingby Google in the Google privacy policy. The integration of Google Mapsrepresents a legitimate interest.
We integrate Google Fonts by GoogleLLC, and Font Awesome of Fonticons Inc.Toenable the display of fonts, a connection to Google’s and Font Awesome’s serveris established when our website is accessed. This enables Google, and Fonticonsto determine which website sent the request and to which IP address the displayof the font is to be transmitted. The integration is based on our legitimateinterest.
You can contact us in various waysand data is always collected in the process. You provide us with most of thedata that we process when you contact us such as your name, and email address.This data is collected and processed exclusively for the purpose of contactingyou and processing your request and then deleted again, provided that there isno legal obligation to retain it.
We process the Personal Information (such as your name,email, phone number and relevant business and company details) that arises whenyou use our services in order to provide our contractual services. Inparticular, this includes our support, correspondence with you, invoicing,fulfillment of our contractual, accounting and tax obligations. Accordingly,the data is processed on the basis of the fulfillment of our contractualobligations and our legal obligations.
Lastly, we process data in the context of administrativetasks as well as organization of our operations, financial accounting andcompliance with legal obligations, such as archiving. In this regard, weprocess the same data that we process in the course of providing ourcontractual services. The purpose and our interest in the processing lies inthe administration, financial accounting, office organization, archiving ofdata, i.e., tasks that serve the maintenance of our business activities,performance of our tasks and provision of our services.
The legal basis for processing theabove is our legitimate interest, the provision or initiation of a contractualservice and your consent.
For support, we may store the data related to ourcustomers in our customer relationship management system (CRM) provided by Markate.This data processing is based on our legitimate interest in providing ourcustomer service.
In certain cases, it is necessary totransmit the processed Personal Information in the course of data processing.In this respect, there are different recipient bodies and categories ofrecipients.
If necessary, we transfer yourPersonal Information within Exterior Cleaning Services LLC. Of course, we comply with theassociated legal framework and ensure that your data is processed properly.Access to your Personal Information is only granted to authorized employees whoneed access to the data due to their job, e.g., to provide our services or tocontact you in case of queries.
We may also share your Personal Information with ourbusiness partners for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, including(but not limited to) conducting the services you request, or customizing ourbusiness to better meet your needs.
Personal Information is transferredto our service providers in the following instances:
We may transfer your PersonalInformation to other companies as necessary for the purposes described in thisPrivacy Policy. In order to provide adequate protection for your PersonalInformation when it is transferred, we have contractual arrangements regardingsuch transfers. We take all reasonable technical and organizational measures toprotect the Personal Information we transfer.
In order to protect the data storedwith us in the best possible way against accidental or intentionalmanipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorized persons, we useappropriate technical and organizational security measures. The security levelsare continuously reviewed in cooperation with security experts and adapted tonew security standards.
Nevertheless, internet-based datatransmissions can always have security gaps, so that absolute protection cannotbe guaranteed. And databases or data sets that include Personal Information maybe breached inadvertently or through wrongful intrusion. Upon becoming aware ofa data breach, we will notify all affected individuals whose PersonalInformation may have been compromised as expeditiously as possible after whichthe breach was discovered.
Insofar as you have given us yourseparate consent to process your data for marketing and advertising purposes,we are entitled to contact you for these purposes via the communicationchannels you have given your consent to.
You may give us your consent in anumber of ways including by selecting a box on a form where we seek yourpermission to send you marketing information, or sometimes your consent isimplied from your interactions or contractual relationship with us. Where yourconsent is implied, it is on the basis that you would have a reasonableexpectation of receiving a marketing communication based on your interactionsor contractual relationship with us.
Email and Social Media
Direct Marketing generally takes theform of email but may also include other less traditional or emerging channels.These forms of contact will be managed by us, or by our contracted serviceproviders. Every directly addressed marketing sent or made by us or on ourbehalf will include a means by which you may unsubscribe or opt out.
SMS and other Mobile Messages
We may also send promotional mobilemessages in various formats. Promotional messages advertise and promote ourproducts and services and may include promotions, specials and other marketingoffers. Mobile messages may be sent using an automated technology, including anautodialer, automated system, or automatic telephone dialing system.
You agree that we may send youmessages regarding the foregoing topics or any topic and that promotionalmessages and/or calls may be made or placed using different telephone numbersor short codes. We do not charge for mobile messages sent through the Programbut you are responsible for any message and data rates imposed by your mobileprovider, as standard data and message rates may apply for SMS and MMS alerts.
By providing your mobile phone numberto us, you are voluntarily opting in and you agree to receive recurring mobilemessages from us at the mobile phone number associated with your opt-in, evenif such number is registered on any state or federal “Do Not Call” list. Youagree that any mobile phone number you provide to us is a valid mobile phonenumber of which you are the owner or authorized user. If you change your mobilephone number or are no longer the owner or authorized user of the mobile phone number,you agree to promptly notify us. Your participation in the Program is notrequired to make any purchase from us and your participation is completelyvoluntary.
Opt-Out and Support
You may opt-out at any time. If youwish to opt- out and stop receiving mobile messages from us, or you no longeragree to these Terms, reply STOP, QUIT,CANCEL, OPT-OUT, and/or UNSUBSCRIBE toany mobile message from us. You may continue to receive text messages for ashort period while we process your request, and you may receive a one-timeopt-out confirmation message. You understand and agree that the foregoing isthe only reasonable method of opting out.For support, reply HELP to any mobile message from us. Our mobile messaging platformmay not recognize requests that modify the foregoing commands, and you agreethat we and our service providers will not be liable for failing to honorrequests that do not comply with the requirements in these Terms.
We may also change the telephonenumber or short code we use and we will notify you of any such change. Youacknowledge that any requests sent to a telephone number or short code that hasbeen changed may not be received by us and we will not be responsible forfailing to honor a request sent to a telephone number or short code that hasbeen changed.
We are present on social media on thebasis of our legitimate interest (currently, Facebook, Instagram,LinkedIn, X (formerlyTwitter)). If you contact or connect with us viasocial media, we and the relevant social media platform are jointly responsiblefor the processing of your data and enter into a so-called joint controlleragreement. The Personal Information collected when contacting us is to handleyour request and the bases are both your consent and our legitimate interest. Market research and advertising
Market research and advertising
In addition, your data may beprocessed for market research and advertising purposes. For example, usageprofiles can be created from your usage behavior and the resulting interests.This allows, for example, advertisements to be placed within and outside theplatforms that presumably correspond to your interests. The legal basis is ourlegitimate interest.
When you visit our profiles and interact with us and others
When you visit our social mediaprofiles, we, as the operator of the profile, process your actions andinteractions with our profile (e.g., the content of your messages, enquiries,posts or comments that you send to us or leave on our profile or when you likeor share our posts) as well as your publicly viewable profile data (e.g., yourname and profile picture). Which Personal Information from your profile ispublicly viewable depends on your profile settings, which you can adjustyourself in the settings of your social media account. The legal basis is ourlegitimate interest and your consent.
Privacy rights
Youcan exercise the following rights:
Updating your information
If you believe that the informationwe hold about you is inaccurate or request its rectification, deletion, orobject to its processing, please do so by contacting us.
Withdrawing your consent
You can withdraw consents you havegiven at any time by contacting us.
Access Request
In the event you want to make a DataSubject Access Request, please contact us. We will respond to requestsregarding access and correction as soon as reasonably possible. Should we notbe able to respond to your request within thirty (30) days, we will tell youwhy and when we will be able to respond to your request. If we are unable toprovide you with any Personal Information or to make a correction requested byyou, we will tell you why.
COPPA (ChildrenOnline Privacy Protection Act)
When it comes to the collection of Personal Informationfrom children under the age of 13 years old, the Children’s Online PrivacyProtection Act (COPPA) puts parents in control. The Federal Trade Commission,United States’ consumer protection agency, enforces the COPPA Rule, whichspells out what operators of websites and online services must do to protectchildren’s privacy and safety online. We do not specifically market to childrenunder the age of 13 years old.
The CAN-SPAM Act is a law that sets the rules forcommercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages, givesrecipients the right to have emails stopped from being sent to them, and spellsout tough penalties for violations. To be in accordance with CAN SPAM, we agreeto the following: If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receivingfuture emails, you can email us, and we will promptly remove you from ALLcorrespondence.
Controls ForDo-Not-Track Features
Most web browsers and some mobile operating systems andmobile applications include a Do-Not-Track ('DNT') feature or setting you canactivate to signal your privacy preference not to have data about your onlinebrowsing activities monitored and collected. At this stage no uniformtechnology standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals has beenfinalized. As such, our website does not currently respond to DNT browsersignals or any other mechanism that automatically communicates your choice notto be tracked online. If a standard for online tracking is adopted that we mustfollow in the future, we will inform you about that practice in a revisedversion of this policy.
What we do not do
Changes and Questions
We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. Ifwe make changes to this Privacy Policy or materially change our use of yourPersonal Information, we will revise this Privacy Policy accordingly and alsochange the effective date at the end of this section. We encourage you toperiodically review this Privacy Policy to be informed of how we use andprotect your Personal Information. If you would like to talk to us regardingour privacy practices, please contact us using the details provided.
Effective Date
Wednesday, December 13th 2023.